Start-up support for the Indiana Workforce Recovery Initiative and its implementation in Marion County



Grantee Spotlight: Project POINT Gives Hope to Patients Suffering from Opioid Use Disorder

Ellen Quigley is the Vice President of Programs at the Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation An Interview with Dr. Krista Brucker, Emergency Room Physician and Co-founder, Project POINT Background In 2016, the Richard M. Foundation awarded a $700,000 grant to support the expansion of an innovative program called Project POINT (Planned Outreach, Intervention, Naloxone and Treatment) at Eskenazi Hospital to tackle the devastating impact of the opioid crisis. This holistic program serves individuals who are brought into the emergency room (ER) after an overdose by connecting them to treatment and the other services they need to rebuild their lives. Dr. Krista Brucker, who helped launch Project POINT in 2015, shared insights […]


創設から 35 年が経過した現在も、@RMFFIndy は、インディアナポリスの活力と住民の福祉の向上を目指して、戦略的な助成金の提供、研究と評価、部門間の連携に注力し続けています。