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School-based prevention works, but choose your program wisely

Alex Cohen is the Director of Learning and Evaluation for the Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation. As opioids and tobacco continue to claim Hoosier lives, many are looking toward K-12 school-based prevention programs to stem the tide. One of the most well-known prevention programs is Drug Abuse Resistance Education, or D.A.R.E. At its height, D.A.R.E. was […]

Pengajaran dari Switzerland: Bolehkah Perantisan Belia menjadi Jawapan kepada Kesengsaraan Tenaga Kerja Indiana?

Claire Fiddian-Green ialah Presiden & Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Yayasan Richard M. Fairbanks. Menjelang 2025, 60 peratus pekerjaan akan memerlukan beberapa jenis ijazah atau kelayakan yang berkualiti tinggi di luar sekolah menengah. Pada masa ini hanya 43.4 peratus daripada Hoosiers memperoleh kelayakan atau ijazah pascamenengah, bermakna hampir enam daripada setiap sepuluh pekerja Indiana tidak bersedia untuk […]