


扩大监狱和看守所获得 MAT 的机会对于抗击阿片类药物泛滥至关重要

Alex Cohen 是 Richard M. Fairbanks 基金会的学习与评估主任。2017 年,印第安纳州有 1,700 多人死于药物过量,创历史新高。过量用药死亡人数激增是由阿片类药物引起的,目前阿片类药物导致的过量用药死亡人数已超过 80%。除了有效的药物滥用预防和危害之外 […]

FDA 计划限制香烟中的尼古丁——此举会降低吸烟率吗?

Alex Cohen is the Director of Learning and Evaluation for the Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation. The dangers of smoking are well-known. Smokers are more likely to die from lung cancer, heart disease, lung disease and other deadly illnesses, not to mention the health risks caused by secondhand smoke exposure or the impacts to newborns caused […]