预防事项 Evaluation and Lessons Learned

6 月 2023

理查德·费尔班克斯基金会成立 预防事项 2018 年,帮助马里恩县学校确定、实施和维持经过验证的药物使用预防计划。作为该计划一部分的项目之所以被选中,是因为它们已证明有能力为学生提供技能,这些技能不仅可以帮助他们避免吸毒和酗酒,而且还有助于提高他们的学业成绩、出勤率、课堂行为以及社交和情感健康。此外,这些计划已被证明可以减少欺凌和暴力。

通过 预防事项,该基金会承诺在四年内投入超过 $1350 万美元,在马里恩县公立(传统、特许和创新网络)和经认可的私立 K-12 学校实施循证预防计划。

The initiative served 159 Marion County public and private schools, reaching over 83,400 students annually. Grantees received technical assistance from third-party experts throughout the initiative and participated in an external evaluation through RTI International.

Although grant funding has concluded, most grantees continue to implement their programs with a long-term commitment to improving student outcomes.

Using findings from RTI’s evaluation and other information collected during the initiative, the Fairbanks Foundation released a report that summarizes the impact of 预防事项 and outlines important lessons learned for schools seeking to implement and sustain successful prevention programs. Additionally, in collaboration with the 印第安纳州教育部, 这 印第安纳州心理健康与成瘾部门, 拉波特医疗保健基金会, 和 中北部卫生服务, the Foundation created a document outlining guidance for funders interested in awarding grants to schools seeking to implement substance use prevention and mental health programs.