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2024 年 6 月

印第安纳州是全美吸烟和电子烟使用率最高的州之一。这不仅对公众健康有害,而且对我们州的经济也产生了重大影响。本报告摘要整合了理查德·费尔班克斯基金会委托进行的四项关于印第安纳州吸烟和电子烟影响的独立研究的结果。具体主题包括印第安纳州雇主支付的吸烟“隐性税”、烟草对经济的影响、每包香烟税增加 $2 的预期收益以及印第安纳州电子烟泛滥的有害影响。
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2023 年 10 月

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7 月 2023

A study on the impacts of Teach For America Indianapolis found TFA teachers with one to two years of experience were somewhat more effective at improving student achievement than non-TFA teachers with similar experience levels, while TFA teachers in schools with at least five TFA peers were substantially more effective at increasing student achievement. Additionally, TFA teachers were placed in higher-need schools than other first-year teachers, and, in recent years, TFA teachers have been more racially diverse than other new teachers. Further, the study finds that TFA teachers’ greater effectiveness more than made up for the negative impact on student achievement associated with their higher turnover rate.
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6 月 2023

2018 年,费尔班克斯基金会发起 预防事项, a four-year, $13.5 million grant initiative aimed at helping K-12 schools in Marion County identify, implement and sustain evidence-based substance use prevention programs. In addition to a formal, external evaluation of the initiative, the Foundation also created “lessons learned” documents. The first document is designed for schools seeking to implement and sustain successful prevention programs, while the second is aimed at funders seeking guidance for prevention program-focused grantmaking.
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4 月 2023

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2 月 2023

从额外的旷工和未经批准的吸烟休息到过高的医疗保健费用,吸烟员工每年给印第安纳州雇主造成 $31 亿美元的损失,这对印第安纳州企业来说是一笔额外的“税”,相当于总工资的 1.7%。仅在 2022 年,马里恩县的企业就支付了近 $6.09 亿美元的隐性“吸烟税”。为了减轻这些经济影响,印第安纳州必须降低吸烟率。事实证明,降低吸烟率最有效的方法是提高印第安纳州的香烟税,这将改善公共卫生结果,减少 $7.95 亿美元的医疗保健成本,并为该州创造 $3.56 亿美元的新年度收入。
费尔班克斯基金会是印第安纳州致力于建立现代青年学徒制度的州级联盟的一部分。 了解更多。