Support to help establish a campus on the west side of Indianapolis, and to develop technology that maps student project-based learning outcomes to Indiana Academic Standards

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Compelling Lessons From Three Reports Provide Guidance for Addressing Substance Use Disorder, and Are More Relevant Than Ever as We Grapple With COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic and its associated challenges should cause us to redouble community efforts to address both unfamiliar and ongoing problems related to SUD in Marion County.

This National Minority Health Month, we ask the question: why do black and multiracial Hoosier adults have a higher prevalence of obesity than white adults?

Claire Fiddian-Green is the President & CEO of the Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation. Every April, we celebrate National Minority Health Month in order to call attention to the health disparities that affect racial and ethnic minorities across the country. This year’s theme of “Active and Healthy” living is timely, given the Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation’s recently released report on the obesity epidemic in Marion County and Indiana. This obesity report found that one in three Hoosier adults is obese, and more than two in three are overweight or obese. In Marion County, the rate is even higher with 39 percent of adults having obesity, up from 26 percent in 2005. While […]