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We Must Act Now to Address the Youth E-Cigarette Epidemic

Claire Fiddian-Green is the President & CEO of the Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation. “When you see a rattlesnake poised to strike, you do not wait until he has struck to crush him.” –  Franklin D. Roosevelt E-cigarette use among youth has grown at an alarming rate. In 2017, over 2 million U.S. middle and high […]

How does Indiana’s federal opioid funding compare to its opioid-involved overdose deaths?

Alex Cohen is the Director of Learning and Evaluation for the Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation. In Indiana and across the United States, the opioid epidemic continues, with drug overdose deaths involving opioids exceeding 47,000 nationwide in 2017. To help stem the tide, the federal government allocated $11 billion to states in fiscal years 2017 and […]