Since its establishment in 1986, the Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation has awarded more than $300 million in grants. Information on grants awarded since the Foundation’s inception can be found below. Information on the Foundation’s largest grants awarded can be found on the Mayores subvenciones otorgadas page.

You may search grants by keyword or filter by focus area, category, amount and year awarded using the tool below. Please note that the Foundation’s current focus areas are Educación, Salud and the Vitalidad de Indianápolis.

Contact us for more information about grants we have awarded.

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Vitalidad de Indianápolis
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Cold Spring School

$15,000 | 2018 (12 MONTHS)
Health | Prevention Matters
La prevención importa Planning Grant
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Christel House Academy

$20,000 | 2018 (12 MONTHS)
Health | Prevention Matters
La prevención importa Planning Grant
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Cathedral High School

$15,000 | 2018 (12 MONTHS)
Health | Prevention Matters
La prevención importa Planning Grant
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Cardinal Ritter High School

$20,000 | 2018 (12 MONTHS)
Health | Prevention Matters
La prevención importa Planning Grant
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Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School

$15,000 | 2018 (12 MONTHS)
Health | Prevention Matters
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Bishop Chatard High School

$20,000 | 2018 (12 MONTHS)
Health | Prevention Matters
La prevención importa Planning Grant
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Escuelas de la ciudad de Beech Grove

$30,000 | 2018 (12 MONTHS)
Health | Prevention Matters
La prevención importa Planning Grant
Education Icon

The Mind Trust

$400,000 | 2017 (24 MONTHS)
Education | K-12
Indianapolis school leaders’ participation in RELAY National Principals Academy
The Fairbanks Foundation is part of a statewide coalition working to develop a modern youth apprenticeship system in Indiana. Learn more.
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