مواكبة آخر الأخبار والأحداث لدينا

يمكنك العثور على أحدث الأخبار والمعلومات والأفكار من موظفي مؤسسة Richard M. Fairbanks على مدونتنا. مواكبة أحدث المشاركات بلوق من موظفينا عن طريق الاشتراك في النشرة الإلكترونية لدينا. لقراءة القصص من المستفيدين من المنح والشركاء الرئيسيين، يرجى زيارة الموقع مجلة الحيوية.

Alex Cohen is the Director of Learning and Evaluation for the Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation. Smoking remains the leading cause of preventable death nationwide. In Indiana, which has among the highest smoking rates in the U.S., an estimated 11,000 people die each year from smoking. While smoking-related illnesses generally occur in older ages, smoking starts […]

Claire Fiddian-Green is the President & CEO of the Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation. There’s no question that opioid addiction is wreaking havoc in communities across Indiana, including in Indianapolis. The latest figures show that, in 2016, there were 18.9 opioid poisoning deaths in Marion County per 100,000 residents – which translates into 171 lives lost. […]

Alex Cohen is the Director of Learning and Evaluation for the Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation. In Indiana, high school students can earn one of three diplomas—a Core 40 diploma, a more challenging Honors diploma and a less rigorous general diploma. But under new federal guidelines that are part of the Every Student Succeeds Act, or […]

The Fairbanks Foundation is part of a statewide coalition working to develop a modern youth apprenticeship system in Indiana. Learn more.
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