General operating support designated for the Virginia B. Fairbanks Sun Garden and other Zoo gardens

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Grantee Spotlight: Newfields – Expanding Opportunity in Central Indiana to Interact with Public Art and Nature through the Virginia B. Fairbanks Art and Nature Park

Ellen Quigley is the Vice President of Programs at the Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation An interview with Jonathan Wright, The Ruth Lilly Deputy Director for Horticulture and Natural Resources, Newfields Background Newfields, a place for nature and the arts, is a cultural campus that is home to The Indianapolis Museum of Art, the historic Lilly […]

Compelling Lessons From Three Reports Provide Guidance for Addressing Substance Use Disorder, and Are More Relevant Than Ever as We Grapple With COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic and its associated challenges should cause us to redouble community efforts to address both unfamiliar and ongoing problems related to SUD in Marion County.