The Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation is committed to transparency. On this page, you can review financial reports, as well as see a 10-year history of grants we have awarded and paid by total dollar amount.

Additional public record documents, such as our Form 990, may be accessed at GuideStar, a resource on non-profit organizations. You may also contact us directly for more information.


Statement of Activities (Unaudited) Years Ending December 31, 2023 and 2022

2023 2022
Investment Income (Loss) and Expenses
Investment Income 856,092 548,862
Realized Gains On Investments (459,465) 15,484,086
Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Investments 22,795,324 (38,334,296)
Total Investment Income (Loss) 23,191,951 (22,301,348)
Investment Expenses 777,450 5,498,821
Operating Expenses 4,180,919 4,128,962
Grantmaking Expenses 15,021,693 12,195,115
Total Expenses 19,980,062 21,822,898
Change In Net Assets 3,211,889 (44,124,246)
Net Assets at the Beginning of the Year 373,299,346 417,423,592
Ending Net Assets 376,511,235 373,299,346

Statement of Financial Position (Unaudited) Years Ending December 31, 2023 and 2022

Assets 2023 2022
Cash 367,922 449,168
Investments 376,074,432 372,778,162
Deposits 10,675 10,675
Net Property Plant and Equipment 58,206 61,341
Total Assets 376,511,235 373,299,346
Liabilities and Net Assets
Accounts Payable & Accrued Liabilities
Net Assets – Unrestricted 376,511,235 373,299,346
Total Liabilities & Net Assets  376,511,235 373,299,346

Investment Portfolio Asset Allocation As of December 31, 2023

Market Value of Assets Ten-Year History (in millions)

Grants Awarded: Ten-Year History (in millions)

Grants Paid: Ten-Year History (in millions)