School-based health clinics (2012-2013 school year)

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Investing in School Leader Development Will Result in Better Outcomes for Students, and Improved Professional Working Environments for Teachers

Claire Fiddian-Green is the President & CEO of the Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation. Most of us would agree that leadership matters — whether we’re talking about the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, the mayor of a city, or the coach of a football team. Leadership certainly matters when it comes to student academic achievement […]

Expanding Access to MAT in Prisons and Jails is Necessary for Combating the Opioid Epidemic

Alex Cohen is the Director of Learning and Evaluation for the Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation. In 2017, more than 1,700 people died of a drug overdose in Indiana—an all-time high. This surge in overdose deaths has been driven by opioids, which now account for more than 80% of overdose deaths. Along with effective substance use prevention and harm […]