Education for All – An Audit of Racial Equity in Marion County
On June 19, 2020, all 11 school districts in Marion County, representing over 135,000 students, turned off the lights at a stadium in their district for 8 minutes and 46 seconds – the amount of time officer Derek Chauvin kneeled on George Floyd’s neck. Alongside this symbolic event, the superintendents released a joint video launching a “No Racism Zone” initiative. The initiative included a collective commitment to teach anti-racism in schools, provide resources for parents to educate themselves and their children about the importance of combatting racism, and post “No Racism Zone” signage on school campuses. Superintendents made statements committing to “examine policies and practices” and “ensure all students are provided with the conditions necessary to succeed.”
More than one year later, this report is intended to support and amplify this initiative by sharing key data, research, and recommendations that address some of the most significant racial disparities in Marion County’s education systems, spanning early childhood through post-secondary education.