Report Details Health Risks and Economic Consequences of Vaping, Highlights Ways to Reduce Use
The percentage of Hoosier adults using e-cigarettes grew 72.3% from 2016 to 2021 (4.7% to 8.1%), and Indiana has the seventh-highest vaping rate in the country. While there is evidence youth e-cigarette use has declined in recent years, Marion County youth are vaping more than their peers statewide.
The Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation commissioned a study to better understand the prevalence of vaping both statewide and in Marion County, as well as the health risks and economic consequences. Among the study’s findings is e-cigarettes are not a safe alternative to traditional cigarettes. In fact, some e-cigarettes contain just as much nicotine as traditional cigarettes – if not more. The study discusses the health risks of vaping, which include impaired brain development and increased risk of cardiovascular and pulmonary health conditions. Additionally, the study outlines the economic consequences of vaping, such as increased healthcare costs and lower employee productivity. This mirrors the findings from recent studies on the overall impact of tobacco use, which can be found here and here.
The report also highlights how multiple stakeholders, including schools and healthcare organizations, can play a role in reducing the use of e-cigarettes.