Prevention Matters Implementation Grant
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Fairbanks Foundation’s Commitment to Improving Academic Outcomes and Closing the Skills Gap in Indianapolis: A Review of Grantmaking Focused on Education From November 2015 to September 2019
Claire Fiddian-Green is the President & CEO of the Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation. A well-educated population is critical to the vitality of Indianapolis and the continuing global competitiveness of the city and our state. Unfortunately, too many K-12 students in Indianapolis do not demonstrate proficiency in core academic subjects such as math, science and reading. […]
Make 2017 the Year to Tackle Opioid Addiction
Indiana ranks among the worst states nationally when it comes to opioid use disorder – with drug overdoses in 2014 claiming more than 1,100 lives and costing the state $1.4 billion. But this year, we also may be one of the best positioned places to tackle the opioid epidemic by addressing its root causes and […]