Matching grants for gifts made by Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation directors and staff

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Indiana’s Shockingly Low Math Scores Should Serve as a Call to Action

Claire Fiddian-Green is the President & CEO of the Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation. On June 30, 2017, the Indiana Department of Education released the first draft of Indiana’s Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) plan for public comment. ESSA is the federal law for K-12 schools enacted in 2015 that replaced the federal law No Child […]

New Research Finds Statewide Tobacco 21 (T-21) Laws Appear to be Working

According to @nberpubs, statewide Tobacco 21 (#T21) laws that prohibit the sale of tobacco products to people under the age of 21 appear to be having their intended outcome of reducing youth tobacco use.