Since 2002, BioCrossroads has worked to catalyze innovation and collaboration within Indiana’s life sciences sector. The sector has grown at a remarkable pace and has generated billions of dollars in revenue for the state with $79 billion in economic impact in 2021. BioCrossroads plays a critical role by convening academic, philanthropic, and cross-sector employer partners, enhancing research development, and working to attract life sciences businesses, innovation, and talent to Indiana.  

This unique collaborative approach has proven to be successful in times of need. At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, BioCrossroads played a key role convening Indiana’s life science and healthcare partners troubleshoot COVID testing, vaccine development and deployment, and other needs for Indiana residents.  

The Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation has awarded $11.5 million to BioCrossroads since 2003 to advance the economic vitality of Indianapolis. 

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