BioCrossroads は、インディアナ州のライフ サイエンス産業を発展させ、インディアナポリスの経済成長を促進するために、部門を超えた取り組み、データ サイエンス、研究を調整しています。

バトラー大学は、21 世紀の学生の学習とイノベーションをサポートするために、大学の科学複合施設の 3 段階の拡張と改修に着手しました。

Too few of Indianapolis’ Black and Latino students and students from low-income families are prepared to succeed in today’s STEM workforce. To respond to this challenge, Purdue University created a new high school model designed to develop a new generation of skilled STEM talent better able to transition from high school to college and careers.

The 16 Tech Innovation District is a one-of-a-kind economic engine for the city dedicated to world-changing innovation and commercial breakthroughs by bringing together entrepreneurs, academics, corporations and creatives in a single place designed to spark the exchange of ideas that leads to innovation.

The Fairbanks Foundation is part of a statewide coalition working to develop a modern youth apprenticeship system in Indiana. Learn more.