Implementation support for the teacher preparation program within The Educators College

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This National Minority Health Month, we ask the question: why do black and multiracial Hoosier adults have a higher prevalence of obesity than white adults?

Claire Fiddian-Green is the President & CEO of the Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation. Every April, we celebrate National Minority Health Month in order to call attention to the health disparities that affect racial and ethnic minorities across the country. This year’s theme of “Active and Healthy” living is timely, given the Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation’s recently […]

Make 2017 the Year to Tackle Opioid Addiction

Indiana ranks among the worst states nationally when it comes to opioid use disorder – with drug overdoses in 2014 claiming more than 1,100 lives and costing the state $1.4 billion. But this year, we also may be one of the best positioned places to tackle the opioid epidemic by addressing its root causes and […]