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Alex Cohen is the Director of Learning and Evaluation for the Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation. School closure is among the most controversial interventions in education, and the issue is back in the spotlight with Indianapolis Public Schools’ recent vote to close or transition four high schools. The impetus for the high school restructuring at IPS […]

Claire Fiddian-Green jest prezesem i dyrektorem generalnym Fundacji Richarda M. Fairbanksa. W tym tygodniu opublikowano wyniki programu ISTEP+ za rok szkolny 2016–17, a liczby te są głęboko niepokojące. Podobnie jak w zeszłym roku, tylko 51% uczniów Hoosier w klasach 3-8 zdało zarówno część matematyczną, jak i angielską/językową (ELA) egzaminu ISTEP+. […]

Alex Cohen is the Director of Learning and Evaluation for the Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation. A patient visits a doctor. He suffers from chronic pain. In fact, he’s been suffering for a while, and he’s been receiving painkillers for months. And recently, he’s been upping his dosage and visiting multiple doctors to get enough. But […]

The Fairbanks Foundation is part of a statewide coalition working to develop a modern youth apprenticeship system in Indiana. Learn more.
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